Navigating the Homebuying Landscape Amidst High Interest Rates

The dream of homeownership is a cherished goal for many, but for today’s homebuyers, the journey to owning a home has become increasingly complex. With interest rates at a high point, many are finding it difficult to balance the cost of buying now versus waiting for a potential drop in rates. It’s a challenging and often stressful situation, but understanding the dynamics at play can help prospective buyers make informed decisions.

Understanding the Current Market

In the current market, interest rates are significantly higher than they were just a few years ago—now averaging around 6-7% versus prior rates at 3.25-4.50% (dependent on your credit score, mortgage terms, etc.). This has a direct impact on monthly mortgage payments and overall affordability. For example, if you’re looking at purchasing an average home in Boulder County, the cost difference between current rates and previous low rates is substantial.

Scenario 1: Buying Now

Home Price: $700,000
Interest Rate: 6.5%
Monthly Payment: $4,430
Credit Score Needed: 700+
Average Down Payment: 20% ($140,000)


  • Loan Amount: $560,000
  • Principal and Interest Monthly Payment: $4,430
  • Total Interest Paid Over 30 Years: $688,800
  • Equity Built: Starts immediately, grows with every payment

Scenario 2: Buying Later

Home Price: $775,000
Interest Rate: 4.5%
Monthly Payment: $3,935
Credit Score Needed: 700+
Average Down Payment: 20% ($155,000)


  • Loan Amount: $620,000
  • Principal and Interest Monthly Payment: $3,935
  • Total Interest Paid Over 30 Years: $515,400
  • Equity Built: Starts later but benefits from lower interest rate

Side-by-Side Comparison

Feature Buying Now Buying Later
Home Price $700,000 $775,000
Interest Rate 6.5% 4.5%
Monthly Payment (P&I) $4,430 $3,935
Total Loan Amount $560,000 $620,000
Total Interest Paid Over 30 Years $688,800 $515,400
Credit Score Needed 700+ 700+
Down Payment $140,000 $155,000
Equity Built Starts immediately, grows consistently Starts later, grows with a lower rate


Buying Now:

  • Pros: Immediate homeownership and equity building, potential for refinancing in the future if rates drop.
  • Cons: Higher monthly payments due to the current higher interest rate.

Buying Later:

  • Pros: Lower monthly payments due to a reduced interest rate, potentially lower total interest paid over the life of the loan.
  • Cons: Higher home price, delayed equity building, uncertainty about future interest rates and market conditions.

The Cost of Waiting

While it might be tempting to wait for interest rates to fall, it’s important to weigh the potential costs and benefits. Housing prices often rise when interest rates drop, as lower rates increase buyer demand. This can create a situation where waiting for lower rates might not lead to significant savings.

For example, a homebuyer who purchases now at a higher rate can always refinance if and when rates decrease. This strategy allows you to secure your home and begin building equity immediately, rather than waiting in an uncertain market.

Refinancing: A Future Opportunity

One of the encouraging aspects of buying in a high-interest rate environment is the potential for refinancing down the road. Refinancing can reduce your monthly payments and overall interest costs if rates drop. This future financial flexibility can provide peace of mind and long-term savings.

Encouragement for Today’s Buyers

For those who can manage the current rates, buying now can still be a viable and wise option. It provides stability, the opportunity to build equity, and the potential for refinancing in the future. The housing market, like any other market, is subject to fluctuations, and trying to time it perfectly is challenging.

The key takeaway is to focus on what works best for your financial situation and long-term goals. If you find a home that meets your needs and you can afford the current payments, the benefits of homeownership and the potential for future refinancing can outweigh the uncertainties of waiting.

In these precarious times, staying informed and considering all angles will help you navigate the homebuying process with confidence. Whether you choose to buy now or wait, understanding the market dynamics and your financial flexibility will guide you toward making the best decision for your unique situation. To discuss your current situation, reach out to our team today!

Eco-Friendly Landscaping Tips for a Greener Colorado Home

Creating a beautiful and sustainable landscape is not only good for the environment but also enhances the value and appeal of your home. Incorporating eco-friendly landscaping can make a significant difference and create an oasis for you and the local wildlife in the process! Here are some practical tips to help you cultivate a greener outdoor space at your Colorado home.

1. Choose Native Plants

Colorado Native Plant Species: Columbine

The Columbine (Aquilegia), aka granny’s bonnet, is a perennial flower that blooms in the spring. There are more than 70 species of columbines that grow wild in mountain areas, along stream beds, and in temperate woodlands. The columbine is Colorado’s state flower.

Native plants are the cornerstone of an eco-friendly landscape. These plants are adapted to the

local climate and soil conditions, making them more resilient and requiring less maintenance. Because they thrive in the natural environment, native plants need less water, fertilizer, and pesticides. This reduces your environmental footprint and helps maintain local biodiversity.

In Colorado, popular choices include Rocky Mountain Penstemon, Blue Grama Grass, and Colorado Blue Columbine. These plants will not only flourish but also provide habitat and food for local wildlife.

To get started, visit local nurseries or consult with a landscaping expert to find the best native plants for your area. The Colorado Native Plant Society also has an abundance of resources available in identifying area-specific native plants and gardening tips including what plants NOT to include.

2. Implement Xeriscaping

Xeriscaping is a landscaping method specifically designed for water conservation. By using drought-resistant plants and reducing lawn areas, you can significantly cut down on water usage. This is especially important in areas like Boulder, where water resources can be limited.

When planning your xeriscape, consider incorporating elements such as gravel, rocks, and mulch to help retain soil moisture and minimize water evaporation. Group plants with similar water needs together to optimize irrigation. This approach not only conserves water but also creates a low-maintenance, visually appealing garden.

Colorado State University Extension has several fact sheets and tips for implementing xeriscaping at your home.

3. Use Organic Mulch

Organic mulch, such as wood chips, straw, or compost, offers numerous benefits for your garden. It helps retain moisture in the soil, regulates soil temperature, and suppresses weeds. Additionally, as the mulch decomposes, it adds valuable nutrients back into the soil, improving its quality over time.

Apply a thick layer of mulch around your plants and trees, being careful to avoid piling it directly against the stems or trunks to prevent rot. This simple step can make a big difference in maintaining a healthy, thriving garden.

A rainwater barrel collection system at Colorado home

Under Colorado House Bill 16-1005, rain barrels can only be installed at single-family households and multi-family households with four (4) or fewer units. A maximum of two (2) rain barrels can be used at each household and the combined storage of the 2 rain barrels cannot exceed 110 gallons. Rain barrels can only be used to capture rainwater from rooftop downspouts and the captured rainwater must be used on the same property from which the rainwater was captured, for only outdoor purposes.

4. Install a Rainwater Harvesting System

Collecting rainwater is an excellent way to reduce your reliance on municipal water supplies and support your garden sustainably. Rain barrels or more complex systems can capture and store rainwater for later use in irrigation.

To set up a rainwater harvesting system, position your rain barrels under downspouts to catch runoff from your roof. Use screens to keep out debris and insects, and consider connecting a drip irrigation system to the barrels for efficient watering. This method not only conserves water but also provides your plants with naturally soft, chemical-free rainwater.

There are applicable state statutes in Colorado governing water rights – Colorado State University has compiled an excellent fact sheet highlighting how homeowners can remain legally compliant while putting rainwater to use for home irrigation.

5. Create a Compost Pile

Composting is a natural process that recycles organic materials, such as kitchen scraps and yard waste, into nutrient-rich soil. By composting, you reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and provide your garden with a free, organic fertilizer.

To start a compost pile, include a mix of green (nitrogen-rich) materials, like vegetable scraps and grass clippings, and brown (carbon-rich) materials, like leaves and straw. Turn the pile regularly to aerate it and speed up the decomposition process. Over time, you’ll have rich, dark compost to enrich your garden soil.

6. Opt for Permeable Paving

Traditional concrete and asphalt surfaces can lead to water runoff and erosion. Permeable paving options, such as porous concrete, gravel, or pavers, allow water to soak into the ground, reducing runoff and recharging groundwater.

Use permeable materials for driveways, walkways, and patios to create an environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing landscape. These materials not only help manage stormwater but also reduce the urban heat island effect by allowing water to cool the surface.

Extensive insect hotel to attract beneficial insects to your Colorado garden

Bug hotels are a great way to attract beneficial insects to your Colorado garden. Incorporating different materials and levels provides shelter and nesting sites for native and migratory solitary insects.

7. Support Local Wildlife

Creating a habitat for local wildlife not only enhances biodiversity but also helps control pests naturally. Include a variety of plants that provide food and shelter for birds, bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects.

To attract wildlife, consider installing birdhouses, bat boxes, and insect hotels. These structures provide safe nesting sites and encourage beneficial species to visit and thrive in your garden. Avoid using chemical pesticides that can harm these helpful visitors, and enjoy the added beauty and vibrancy that wildlife brings to your landscape.

Most plants depend on pollinators, making it crucial to protect them and attract beneficial insects. A bug hotel is similar to a birdhouse, however rather than just serving one family, it can serve multiple types of bugs. You can purchase them online, or you can figure out which insects are most beneficial to your particular yard and build one yourself. There are many online tutorials to help guide you.

Embracing eco-friendly landscaping practices is a rewarding way to create a sustainable and beautiful outdoor space. By choosing native plants, conserving water, and supporting local wildlife, you can make a positive impact on the environment and enjoy a lush, green home. As your trusted real estate agent in Boulder, Colorado, I’m here to help you with all your home and garden needs. Feel free to reach out with any questions or for more personalized advice. Happy gardening!

How to Increase Your Home’s Value on a Budget

Improving your home’s value doesn’t necessarily require extensive renovations or a large budget. Strategic updates can make your property more appealing to potential buyers, leading to a higher selling price. Here are several budget-friendly tips for homeowners looking to increase the value of their homes:

Modern dark accent wall brings a pop of color to kitchen and dining room

1. Paint to Impress

A fresh coat of paint in modern, neutral colors can transform a home’s appearance. Colors like soft gray, beige, and off-white create a bright, airy feel, making rooms appear larger and more inviting. This simple update can greatly influence buyers’ first impressions.

2. Update Fixtures

Replacing outdated fixtures in kitchens and bathrooms can modernize these important spaces without a full remodel. Consider updating faucets, drawer pulls, and lighting fixtures to contemporary styles that appeal to a wide range of buyers.

3. Enhance Curb Appeal

Curb appeal is crucial in creating a strong first impression. Simple changes such as updating the front door, adding fresh mulch, maintaining the lawn, and installing new outdoor lighting can make a significant difference. Small additions like new house numbers, a modern mailbox, or potted plants can also enhance the entrance.

Beautiful seafoam green bathroom highlights home improvement to raise home value

4. Modernize Cabinet Hardware

Refreshing kitchen and bathroom cabinets with new hardware is a cost-effective way to update the overall look of these rooms. Choose stylish, durable knobs and pulls that complement the existing cabinetry for a cohesive and polished appearance.

5. Focus on Flooring

Replacing old, worn-out carpeting with hardwood or laminate flooring can increase a home’s appeal and value. If new flooring isn’t in the budget, consider professional carpet cleaning or refinishing existing hardwood floors to rejuvenate them.

Modern pendant lights in bright remodeled kitchen highlight raised home value through budget friendly improvements

6. Upgrade Lighting

Good lighting can change the feel of a home. Replacing old fixtures with modern, energy-efficient lighting not only brightens spaces but also reduces energy costs—a selling point for today’s environmentally conscious buyers.

7. Invest in Landscaping

Attractive landscaping can boost curb appeal and make a property feel more inviting. Budget-friendly landscaping projects might include planting native flowers and shrubs, adding bark mulch, and keeping the lawn trimmed and green.

Bright and open living room decluttered and picture perfect

8. Declutter and Clean

A clutter-free and clean home is more appealing to buyers. It helps them visualize their own belongings in the space. Consider renting a storage unit for excess belongings and deep cleaning the house, including windows, gutters, and surfaces.

9. Smart Home Upgrades

Incorporating smart home technology such as thermostats, smoke detectors, and security systems can be a selling point, especially in markets that attract tech-savvy buyers. These features offer convenience and can be energy cost savers.

10. Address Maintenance Issues

Ensure that all minor repairs are taken care of before listing the home. Fixing leaky faucets, patching holes in walls, and ensuring all appliances work correctly can prevent buyers from being deterred by small issues during showings.

Improving your home’s value on a budget requires strategic choices that maximize appeal to potential buyers. By focusing on key areas such as aesthetics, functionality, and modernization, homeowners can significantly enhance their property’s marketability and selling price. When in doubt about which renovations will have the biggest impact, consulting a local real estate expert can provide insights tailored to your specific market conditions. This proactive approach not only prepares your property for a successful sale but also ensures a good return on your investment.

Understanding the NAR Settlement

Implications for Home Buyers, Sellers, and Realtors

Recent news around the proposed settlement by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) has sparked a lot of conversations—and some confusion—about its implications for the real estate industry. In light of these discussions, it’s crucial to provide clarity on what this settlement means for home buyers, sellers, and Realtors®.

Key Points of the Proposed Settlement

  1. Seller Discretion on Compensation: The settlement preserves the long-standing practice that sellers can offer compensation to the buyer’s broker. This aspect remains unchanged, ensuring sellers retain their discretion in these matters.
  2. Commission Transparency: We’ve always championed transparency in broker compensation. Commissions have always been negotiable and are determined through open discussions with our clients. This principle of transparency and negotiation remains at the forefront of our services.
  3. Buyer Representation Agreement: A notable provision in the proposed settlement is the requirement for buyers, working with NAR-affiliated agents, to sign a Buyer Representation Agreement before viewing properties. This formalizes the buyer-broker relationship, a practice that has been standard in many states for years.
  4. Accessible Representation: The ethos of our industry is that every buyer deserves representation, regardless of income level. Experience shows that transactions are smoother with professional representation on both sides, facilitating better communication and outcomes for everyone involved.
  5. Value of Professional Guidance: Our commitment to providing exceptional value through expert guidance, support, and effort in every transaction remains unwavering. We advocate for transparent discussions about commissions to reflect the comprehensive services we offer.
  6. Preparation for Change: As we anticipate the final approval of the settlement, we are prepared to embrace the outlined changes. These adjustments are seen as positive strides toward enhancing transparency, professionalism, and the overall client experience in the real estate industry.

What This Means for You

For home buyers, sellers, and Realtors®, it’s essential to understand that current practices continue as usual. Real estate transactions are proceeding without alteration, ensuring stability in the buying and selling process. Potential changes wouldn’t take effect until formerly approved, which we could potentially see in June or July of 2024. These changes aim to further enrich the industry’s professionalism and transparency, ultimately benefiting all parties involved.

Looking Ahead

The real estate industry is rooted in relationships and trust. As we move forward, we are committed to navigating any shifts in industry rules and regulations together, maintaining the high standard of service you’ve come to expect. This settlement represents an opportunity to elevate our professional standards nationwide, aligning with the values we cherish.

We understand that changes can lead to questions. Rest assured, we are here to address any concerns and provide the guidance needed as the situation evolves.

Embrace the Freshness: Boulder’s Farmers Markets Spring into Season

As the snow melts and the peaks of the Rockies reclaim their green, Boulder, Colorado, awakens to the vibrant hues and crisp scents of spring. A time of renewal, it heralds the return of the cherished farmers markets. For Boulderites and visitors alike, these markets are not just shopping venues; they are the heartbeats of our community, a testament to our love for locally sourced, sustainable living. John Farley, your go-to real estate expert in Boulder, invites you to explore the bountiful offerings of our local farmer’s markets.

A Bounty of Freshness Awaits

1. Boulder County Farmers Markets

The Boulder County Farmers Markets (BCFM) are a testament to our community’s commitment to supporting local farmers and artisans. With locations in Boulder and Longmont, these markets offer a diverse array of fresh produce, artisanal foods, and handcrafted goods. Opening in April, the Boulder market is set on 13th Street between Canyon Boulevard and Arapahoe Avenue, providing a scenic shopping experience right in the heart of Boulder.

When It Kicks Off:

Saturday Market
April 6 – November 23, 2024

8 am – 2 pm

Wednesday Market
May 1 – October 2, 2024
4 pm – 8 pm

What You’ll Find: Expect to be greeted by the vibrant colors of fresh fruits and vegetables, the aroma of baked goods, and the unique textures of locally-produced cheeses and meats. The market is a haven for foodies and health-conscious eaters alike, offering organic and sustainably-grown produce.

2. Longmont Farmers Market

A sister to the Boulder market, the Longmont Farmers Market brings the same quality and community spirit to Boulder County’s eastern reaches. Located at the Boulder County Fairgrounds, this market serves as a weekly gathering spot for those seeking fresh, local produce and a chance to connect with neighbors and farmers.

When It Kicks Off:

Saturday Market
April 6 – November 23, 2024
8 am – 1 pm

What You’ll Find: From juicy peaches to crisp greens, the Longmont Farmers Market is a showcase of Colorado’s agricultural richness. Artisans sell everything from handmade jewelry to natural soaps, making it the perfect place to find a unique gift or treat yourself.

3. Erie Farmers Market

This dog-friendly market is run by Real Farmers Market, and also has plenty of room for the kiddos to run and play. The market features a diverse line-up of vendors selling locally grown fruits and vegetables, meats, eggs, artisan breads, honey, cheese, coffee, and baked goods, among other specialty items.

When It Kicks Off:

Thursdays Market
May 9 – September 26, 2024
5 pm – 8 pm
What You’ll Find: Discover a bounty of Colorado-grown delights including a range of organic and pesticide-free vegetables, while orchardists present a selection of both organic and conventional fruit straight from Palisade. Beyond the fresh farm produce, explore a variety of local crafts, ready-to-consume treats, natural body care products, and even indulge in an on-site massage for the full market experience.
4. Louisville Farmers Market

A sister event to the Erie Farmers Market, this dog-friendly market is run by Real Farmers Market, and also has plenty of room for the kiddos to run and play. The market features a diverse line-up of vendors selling locally grown fruits and vegetables, meats, eggs, artisan breads, honey, cheese, coffee, and baked goods, among other specialty items.

When It Kicks Off:

Saturdays Market
May 11 – October 19, 2024
9 am – 1 pm
What You’ll Find: Discover a bounty of Colorado-grown delights including a range of organic and pesticide-free vegetables, while orchardists present a selection of both organic and conventional fruit straight from Palisade. Beyond the fresh farm produce, explore a variety of local crafts, ready-to-consume treats, natural body care products, and even indulge in an on-site massage for the full market experience.

Farmers Markets Outside of Boulder County

1. Evergreen Farmers Market

Nestled in its new home at El Rancho and conveniently accessible from I-70, this vibrant market now offers ample free parking directly adjacent to the bustling stalls. Managed by Jump Ahead Events, the relocation last year has only enhanced the community shopping experience.

Tuesday Markets
May 28 – October 1, 2024
10 am – 2 pm
What You’ll Find: Explore an array of shopping delights: select from fresh produce, savory tamales, artisanal pasta, the freshest seafood, creamy hummus, and zesty tabouli. Treat yourself to freshly baked bread and pastries. You will also find women’s apparel, wellness goods and CBD essentials. Plus, discover lifestyle products and services, and savor the flavors of on-site, freshly prepared cuisine.
2. Golden Farmers Market

Since its founding in 2002, the Golden Farmers Market has grown into a beloved community staple, under the dedicated management of the Golden Chamber of Commerce. Visitors to this bustling and expansive market will enjoy live entertainment and a diverse array of products from a host of local craftsmen and artisans.

Saturday Markets
June 1 – October 5, 2024
8 am – 1 pm
What You’ll Find: Discover local vegetables and produce, freshly-baked bread and pastries, ready-to-eat meals, and local artwork.
3. Urban Market at Union Station

This year, Denver Union Station and the Downtown Denver Partnership are joining forces to present a series of remarkable local Urban Markets at Wynkoop Plaza.

Weekend Markets Include
June 1 & June 2, 2024
June 15 & June 16, 2024
July 6 & July 7, 2024
August 10 & August 11, 2024
August 17 & August 18, 2024
12 pm – 6 pm
What You’ll Find: Anticipate a bustling Colorado makers market, offering fresh produce and food amidst downtown’s vibrant array of restaurants and shops. Don’t miss the special event: the Mile High Global Bazaar, happening on June 29 and 30.

Growing Gardens in Boulder Colorado

Beyond the Market: Boulder’s Local Farm Stands

In addition to the bustling farmers markets, Boulder is home to several farm stands that provide fresh, locally-grown produce throughout the growing season. These stands offer another way to connect with local farmers and enjoy the fruits of their labor, often set against the backdrop of the very fields where the produce is grown.

1. Cure Organic Farm

Cure Organic Farm opens its farm stand seasonally as the weather permits, welcoming the community to explore its diverse offerings. This farm prides itself on raising vegetables, herbs, and flowers with sustainable methods that are respectful of the environment. To find the days/times their stand is open, be sure to follow them on Instagram.

What You’ll Find: A visit to Cure Organic Farm’s stand reveals a rich selection of organic produce, pork, beef, and eggs. The farm also offers educational tours and workshops, highlighting their holistic approach to farming that integrates animal husbandry and vegetable production.

2. Growing Gardens

Nestled in the heart of Boulder, Growing Gardens comes to life on May 29th and continues to offer its bounty through November 20th. This local gem is more than just a farm stand; it’s a community-centric nonprofit organization dedicated to enriching the lives of Boulder residents through sustainable urban agriculture.

What You’ll Find: At Growing Gardens, expect a wide variety of organic fruits and vegetables, all grown with love and a commitment to environmental stewardship. The stand not only offers fresh produce but also serves as an educational resource, promoting gardening and farming practices that visitors can take back to their own gardens.

3. Munson Farms

Opening its gates in July, Munson Farms is a staple of Boulder’s agricultural scene. Known for their sweet corn, this family-owned farm has been providing Boulder with top-quality produce since 1976.

What You’ll Find: Munson Farms specializes in sweet corn and pumpkins, but their farm stand boasts a wide array of seasonal produce, including tomatoes, peaches, and zucchini. Their commitment to sustainable farming practices and high-quality produce makes them a beloved destination for locals and visitors alike.

A Harvest of Opportunities

These farm stands, along with Boulder’s farmers markets, underscore the rich tapestry of local agriculture and the community’s commitment to supporting it. They offer not just shopping destinations but experiences—opportunities to connect with the land, the people who tend it, and the community that cherishes it.

Dinner on the Farm - Boulder Colorado Farmer's Markets & Farm Stands

Community and Connection

Farmers markets and farm stands in Boulder are more than just places to buy food. They are vibrant community hubs where you can meet the people behind your food, learn their stories, and discover the passion that drives them. These markets foster a sense of belonging, connecting residents with local farmers, artists, and each other. They are places where children learn the value of fresh food, where musicians add a soundtrack to your shopping, and where every visit feels like a celebration of our community’s spirit.

Sustainable Living

Shopping from local farmers is a step towards a more sustainable lifestyle. By choosing locally-sourced produce, you reduce your carbon footprint, support local agriculture, and contribute to the preservation of Boulder’s beautiful natural environment.

A Real Estate Perspective

For those considering making Boulder their home, the farmers markets offer a glimpse into the community’s values and quality of life. Our team believes that the vitality of these markets mirrors the health and vibrancy of the community. They are indicative of Boulder’s active lifestyle, its residents’ preference for quality, and the overarching commitment to sustainability and community support. As a realtor and neighbor, our team sees these markets as vital threads in the fabric of Boulder, making it not just a place to live, but a place to thrive.

Join Us This Season

As the farmers markets in Boulder and Longmont spring to life this April, we invite you to join us in celebrating the wealth of our local agriculture. Bring your reusable bags, your curiosity, and your appetite for fresh, delicious food. Immerse yourself in the community spirit, and experience the unique joy that comes from knowing the story behind every bite.

In Boulder, community isn’t just a concept; it’s a practice. And it flourishes, every week, at our local farmers markets. Whether you’re a long-time resident or a new visitor, these markets offer a taste of Boulder’s heart and soul.

Discover the Bounty of Boulder: A Guide to Local CSAs

In the heart of Boulder, Colorado, where the Flatirons gaze down upon us, there’s a thriving movement that’s bringing the community closer to the very essence of farm-to-table living. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs are at the forefront of this movement, weaving the fabric of our local food ecosystem with threads of sustainability, connection, and pure, unadulterated flavor. As professionals committed not just to homes but to the health and happiness of our community, we’re thrilled to guide you through the verdant world of Boulder’s CSAs.

What is a CSA?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, a model where consumers buy shares of a farm’s harvest in advance. It’s a partnership of mutual commitment between a farm and its community, ensuring that people have regular access to fresh, seasonal produce directly from their local farms. By joining a CSA, members get a weekly or bi-weekly box of fruits, vegetables, and sometimes even eggs, honey, or dairy products, depending on the farm’s offerings.

Why Join a CSA?

  • Freshness and Flavor: The produce you receive is often picked within 24 hours of delivery, ensuring you get the maximum flavor and nutritional benefits.
  • Support Local Farmers: Your membership helps provide financial security for farmers, allowing them to focus on sustainable farming practices and high-quality food production.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Reducing the distance food travels from farm to plate lowers carbon emissions and supports biodiversity.
  • Discover New Foods: CSAs often introduce members to new vegetables and fruits, encouraging culinary creativity and exploration.
  • Community Connection: Being part of a CSA fosters a deeper connection between consumers, farmers, and the land. It’s a shared journey through the seasons.

Boulder’s Best CSAs

Aspen Moon Farm
Biodynamic and organic farming practices are the heart of Aspen Moon Farm. Their CSA shares are a reflection of their dedication to soil health and biodiversity, offering an array of heirloom vegetables and fruits, plus herbs, flowers and starter plants that capture the essence of Boulder’s terroir.

Learn more at Aspen Moon Farm

Black Cat Farm
Operated by renowned chef Eric Skokan and his family, Black Cat Farm brings the farm-to-table concept full circle. Their CSA includes an eclectic mix of produce, with the option to add on pasture-raised meats and artisan breads, perfect for those culinary adventurers.

Learn more at Black Cat Farm

Cure Organic Farm
Specializing in a wide array of vegetables, fruits, and flowers, Cure Organic Farm’s CSA program is a testament to their commitment to sustainable agriculture and community engagement. They also offer eggs and honey, adding a sweet touch to their shares.

Learn more at Cure Organic Farm

Growing Gardens
Nestled in the heart of Boulder, Growing Gardens’ CSA program not only offers a rich array of organic produce but also embodies a commitment to community enrichment and sustainable urban agriculture. By joining, you’re supporting their mission to educate and provide gardening resources, making every meal an investment in a healthier, more connected community.

Learn more at Growing Gardens

Kilt Farm
The bounty is plentiful at Kilt Farm with over 100 varieties of produce offered throughout the year. They pride themselves on building soil biology through composted tea because “oil is the most vibrant ecosystem that goes unnoticed.”

Learn more at Kilt Farm

Red Wagon Farm
Nestled against the backdrop of the Rocky Mountains, Red Wagon Farm offers a unique CSA experience, with shares that include a huge variety of produce in addition to fruit, coffee, and mushrooms as well.

Learn more at Red Wagon Farm

Embracing the CSA Model

Joining a CSA in Boulder is more than a culinary choice; it’s a lifestyle decision that supports health, community, and the environment. As we navigate the rhythms of the seasons together, our choices at the dining table can reflect the values we hold dear. For those of us committed to more of a farm-to-table lifestyle and knowing where our food comes from, the CSA model offers a path to live our values deliciously and sustainably.

Let’s cultivate a community rooted in the love of land and local produce. By supporting Boulder’s CSAs, we’re not just enjoying the freshest flavors our region has to offer; we’re also investing in a future where everyone has access to healthy, sustainable food. Join me in this green journey, and let’s taste the true bounty of Boulder together.